The Beauty of Mathematics
Art and Mathematics
Mathematics, the Language of Nature (and Art?)

Jean-François COLONNA
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CMAP (Centre de Mathématiques APpliquées) UMR CNRS 7641, École polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, CNRS, France

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(CMAP28 WWW site: this page was created on 10/08/2023 and last updated on 06/13/2024 13:29:14 -CEST-)

[en français/in french]

Pi Decimals and Brownian Motion :

The 126.646 first digits -base 6- of 'pi' displayed as an 'absolute' tridimensional random walk

Tridimensional brownian motion

From Elementary Iterations to Unexpected Behavior :

The Lorenz attractor

Tridimensional high resolution visualization of the Verhulst dynamics -'Time Ships', a Tribute to Stephen Baxter-

Iterations in the Complex Plane and Beyond :

A Tribute to Benoît Mandelbrot (1924-2010): tridimensional zoom in on the Mandelbrot set with mapping of the arguments

A foggy pseudo-quaternionic Mandelbrot set (a 'MandelBulb') -tridimensional cross-section-

Close-up on a foggy pseudo-quaternionic Mandelbrot set (a 'MandelBulb') -tridimensional cross-section-

Close-up on a foggy pseudo-quaternionic Mandelbrot set with a 1/O conformal transformation in the octonionic space -tridimensional cross-section-

Close-up on a foggy pseudo-quaternionic Mandelbrot set with a 1/O conformal transformation in the octonionic space -tridimensional cross-section-

A pseudo-octonionic Mandelbrot set (a 'MandelBulb') -tridimensional cross-section-

A pseudo-octonionic Mandelbrot set (a 'MandelBulb') -'children's corner' or 'the consciousness emerging from Mathematics'- -tridimensional cross-section-

A foggy pseudo-octonionic Julia set ('MandelBulb' like: a 'JuliaBulb') computed with A=(-0.58...,+0.63...,0,0,0,0,0,0) and with a 0 to pi rotation about the X axis -tridimensional cross-section-

The Menger Sponge, an Infinite Surface and Zero Volume :

The Menger Sponge -iteration 5-

An amazing cross-section inside the Menger Sponge -iteration 5-

The erosion of an amazing cross-section inside the Menger Sponge -iteration 5-

Untitled 0320

An amazing cross-section inside the Menger Sponge -iteration 5- with a (4xO+1)/(1xO-1) conformal transformation in the octonionic space -tridimensional cross-section-

Filling Knots :

A Ball described by means of an 'open' 3-foil torus knot -iteration 3-

A Ball described by means of an 'open' 3-foil torus knot -iteration 4-

A Tridimensional Hilbert-like Curve defined with {X3(...),Y3(...),Z3(...)} and based on an 'open' 3-foil torus knot -iteration 3-

Fractal Geometry and Natural Phenomena :

Monument Valley at sunrise

Botticelli anomaly on the Moon

Mountains and fog

Revisiting Geocentrism :

The journey of an Earth-like planet (green) in the Solar System -point of view of the virtual planet-

Journey to the Planck Scale (Mathematics, an Optical Instrument?) :

Tridimensional representation of quadridimensional Calabi-Yau manifolds -Calabi-Yau manifolds attached to every point of a fractal tridimensional space-

Tridimensional representation of a quadridimensional Calabi-Yau manifold described by means of 5x5 Bidimensional Hilbert Curves -iteration 5-

Art and Mathematics :

Fractal Self-Portrait -'Décalcomanie', a Tribute to René Magritte-

A tribute to Sandro Botticelli and Victor Vasarely-

Quadruple impossible staircase built by means of a paradoxal structure -a Tribute to Maurits Cornelis Escher-

Untitled 0155 -a Tribute to Yves Tanguy-

Dissonance chaude/Dissonance froide -a Tribute to Paul Sérusier-

Untitled 0305

The Mathematics are the key of the Multiverse

Copyright © Jean-François COLONNA, 2023-2024.
Copyright © CMAP (Centre de Mathématiques APpliquées) UMR CNRS 7641 / École polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 2023-2024.