The configuration entropy of a set of n=64 particles. |
The random walk of photons escaping the Sun. |
Isotropic random walk of 64 particles on a tridimensional square lattice. | Isotropic random walk of 64 particles on a tridimensional square lattice. |
Bidimensional rectangular billiard. |
Coalescence of 972 particles -black holes?- on a bidimensional rectangular billiard. |
Artistic view of the trajectories of 12 -initially- still particles submitted to an attractive central field of gravity in a tridimensional billiard. |
Bidimensional domino effect. |
The numerical irreversibility of the bidimensional billiard. |
Tridimensional billiard with 12 -initially- still particles submitted to an attractive central field of gravity. | Tridimensional domino effect. |
A tridimensional billiard starting with a Menger Sponge -iteration 2-. |
A medium without percolation -top to bottom- using the 4-connexity. | A medium with percolation -top to bottom- using the 4-connexity. |
A medium without percolation -top to bottom- using the 8-connexity. | A medium with percolation -top to bottom- using the 8-connexity. |
A gradient of 114299 particles obtains by means of a tridimensional diffusion process. | A gradient of 128312 particles obtains by means of a tridimensional diffusion process. |
10.000 random digits -base 10- displayed as an 'absolute' bidimensional random walk. |
Tridimensional accumulation of 512 correlated bidimensional brownian motions -1000 time steps-. | Tridimensional accumulation of 512 correlated bidimensional brownian motions -50000 time steps-. |
Tridimensional accumulation of 512 correlated tridimensional brownian motions -1000 time steps-. | Tridimensional accumulation of 512 correlated tridimensional brownian motions -50000 time steps-. |
Bidimensional fractal aggregates obtained by means of pasting during collisions with display of the velocity histogram. |
The front of a forest fire -white- obtained by means of a bidimensional random walk process (bird's-eye view). |
David versus Goliath: there is a war between Ukraine and Russia. | David versus Goliath: there is a war between Ukraine and Russia. |
The Road to Chaos -06/19/2022-. | The Road to Chaos -06/19/2022-. |
On the Road to Chaos again -07/07/2024-. | On the Road to Chaos again -07/07/2024-. |
Tridimensional fractal aggregate with variable fractal dimension -increasing from front to back-. |
A tridimensional periodical fluid with display of velocity histograms. |
Expansion of a gas inside a bidimensional rectangular box with display of velocity histograms. | Expansion of a gas inside a bidimensional circular box with display of velocity histograms. |
A porous membrane with following initial conditions: high temperature particles at left and low temperature particles at right. |
Untitled 0612. |