An Archimedes spiral displaying 100 numbers [Une spirale d'Archimède montrant 100 nombres entiers].

Starting from the center of the picture, the spheres are numbered (1, 2, 3,...) when following an Archimedes spiral. The radius of the N-th sphere is proportional to the square root of the number of divisors of N. The number 1 and the prime numbers are visualized by means of white spheres (a smaller one for the number 1). Other numbers are visualized by means of colored spheres (the luminance varies according to the number of divisors).

(CMAP28 WWW site: this page was created on 12/10/2001 and last updated on 04/26/2015 12:24:27 -CEST-)

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Copyright (c) Jean-François Colonna, 2001-2015.
Copyright (c) France Telecom R&D and CMAP (Centre de Mathématiques APpliquées) UMR CNRS 7641 / Ecole Polytechnique, 2001-2015.