The 'island-peninsula' phenomenon of the fractal diffusion front in a bidimensional medium obtained by means of a random walk process [Le phénomène 'île-presqu'île' du front fractal de diffusion dans un milieu bidimensionnel obtenu grâce à un processus de marche aléatoire].

The white point belongs to the "Shore" (yellow) -a fractal object with a dimension equals to 7/4-.

If this last point moves up to the next neighbour site -that belongs to the "Sea" (blue)-, then the red "Island" connects itself to the "Shore".

Thus, a microscopic event can be the cause of a macroscopic phenomenon...

See the whole lattice.

(CMAP28 WWW site: this page was created on 03/14/2007 and last updated on 12/07/2021 17:36:53 -CET-)

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Copyright © Jean-François Colonna, 2007-2021.
Copyright © France Telecom R&D and CMAP (Centre de Mathématiques APpliquées) UMR CNRS 7641 / Ecole Polytechnique, 2007-2021.