The 8192 first prime numbers displayed modulo the 16 smallest ones -ramdom walk like trajectories- [Les 8192 premiers nombres premiers visualisés modulo les 16 plus petits d'entre-eux -trajectoires ressemblant à des marches aléatoires-].

The 8192 first Prime Numbers PN are computed: {2,3,5,...,84017}. Then, each PN is computed modulo the 16 Smallest ones SPN {2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53}. These values (equal to PN%SPN and obviously strictly positive...) are displayed as angles in [0,2.pi]. Then the 8192 first prime numbers PN are displayed as 16 random-walk like trajectories (one for each SPN):

                    SPN = 41       SPN = 43       SPN = 47       SPN = 53

SPN = 23 SPN = 29 SPN = 31 SPN = 37
SPN = 11 SPN = 13 SPN = 17 SPN = 19
SPN = 2 SPN = 3 SPN = 5 SPN = 7

Please note that the first Prime Number (2) is located at the center of each picture.

(CMAP28 WWW site: this page was created on 01/07/2022 and last updated on 01/07/2022 18:02:42 -CET-)

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Copyright © Jean-François Colonna, 2022-2022.
Copyright © CMAP (Centre de Mathématiques APpliquées) UMR CNRS 7641 / Ecole Polytechnique, 2022-2022.